Taking a moment to thank the powers that be that it is National Library Week

Apr 19, 2007 13:38

Ice Cream Social.

Enough said.

Alright, so that's not true. When it comes to ice cream, I don't know that there are enough words available to express my deep, DEEP appreciation for its existence.

And to think, for Lent, ice cream is what I gave up. How'd I last so long?

Today's dish consists of: mint chocolate chip ice cream, hot fudge, jimmies (aka chocolate sprinkles), chopped walnuts and just a dab of whipped cream. I figure, if you're going to go for it, you might as well go big.

No worries, though. I exercised last night and plan to again tonight. :)

And one random question for you all just to keep you on your toes:

Were you the sort of kid that had a name, and a creative one at that, for every last stuffed animal and toy OR did you possess too many nameless creatures to count with the exception of those bearing names on their tags and perhaps a teddy bear named...Teddy?

poll, ice cream, work

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