Jun 28, 2010 20:18
Today was Lilian's 2 year well baby appointment.
The bad: Normally when she gets shots, she cries for about 10 seconds and is good. Not today. Two shots and wailing for what felt like 5 hours (but was probably really 5 minutes). Then she had to have a blood draw for her 2 year old lead test, which also caused lots of pain and screaming. My mom and geo came to the appointment and my mom got to do what I would have like to have done and that is cry. After that she got her cookie from Vaccaro's and then we went to Storyville.
The not so bad/good: Weight gain was just alright. ~2 pounds since her 18 month so we have to stay with the whole milk and start giving her carnation once a day. Her height is 80th percentile and weight is 26th. Her BMI (can you believe they calculate that for 2 year olds?) is ~15. She predicts she will be 5'9" but I was the tallest girl in my class until 6th grade and then I stopped growing so that will probably be Lilian's fate as well.
It's time for me to front face her carseat and put her in a bed and not a crib, b/c she is too tall for a crib and might get injured. My little baby is really growing up.
She's overall a very healthy little girl. I also think she's a genius.