Update to this post:
http://traceracer.livejournal.com/417393.html Aetna uses a third party for authorizations called Med Solutions. According to them I need preauthorization for the MRI. According to Advanced Radiology I need preauthorization. When the receptionist at my doctor's office calls Aetna, she was told I don't need it so the doctor's office doesn't send over any paperwork.
I spent most of the day on my cell or my home phone calling everyone involved. The other lady at my doctor's office is getting very rude with me. (Not Angie,she's sweet though she may have been the initial one to miss a lot of this). Advanced Radiology is mad at me b/c I keep telling them that Angie was told by Aetna that AR should call them. They're telling me to have Angie call AR. Evelina (other receptionist at doctor's office) is telling me it's not Angie's job to call AR. AR calls Aetna and Med Solutions while I'm on hold and is told again that I need preauthorzation. Evelina says it's a waste of time and I don't and it will take 2-3 days to get preauthorization.
I call Aetna and Med Solutions and finally Aetna tells me that I actually do need preauthorization and sorry if they told Angie any differently.
I call Angie and she says that Evelina is on the phone with them now and it will probably take at least 48 hours to get the preauthorization.
So now my urgent MRI and MRA will probably not happen until Monday, which means I now have to find a babysitter b/c Josh will be working.
Today sucked.