First of all, you should all go and listen to Genesis Avalon at Pendant. It's a brand new show and I'm in it as a recurring character (though not this episode). If you start listening now, you'll be right on track! Ok, now the good:
Spent a week at the lake and kind of reclaimed some of the joy that was lost there. Was joined by Hickseses, Donoghueses and a Nate. I was watching my dad's two dogs, which was actually pretty trying due to their feistiness and some GI issues with one of them that led to some land mines around the house. I will be uploading pictures shortly.
Also, on the way out of the like there was a heron that took flight over the water. It was so lovely.
When I arrived home Sunday night, Josh had bought flowers, dinner and Vacarro's treats. He is awesome.
The bad:
Lilian got sick up at the lake on Thursday and then passed it along to me. To add to the good, Josh also had orange juice and cold medicine waiting at home.
At her well baby visit today, she did, in fact, have another ear infection. This is number 6. She gets one with every cold. One more and we go to the ENT most likely.
She is also still not gaining weight appropriately. Part of that is due to her activity and another part is due to her pickiness and not drinking enough milk.
She banged her head on the table at the doc's office and now has a little laceration and bump.
And after all of that she had to get three shots.
so now here I am trying to get some work done while I'm sick and just want to crash in front of the tv and my little girl is uncomfortably sleeping upstairs.
And Amelia has started pooping on the floor next to her litterbox again.
But hey, today was Genesis Avalon day!