So much to do, so little time

Nov 20, 2005 12:00

26 more days til graduation.

I talked to my sweet, sweet mom this morning.  3 more days, and I'll be able to see her.  *smiles*  I had a good long conversation with her. She's so freaking cute and funny.  I love my mom.  She said some things to me that really cracked me up so bad.  I laughed hysterically and even right now I can't but help to have my big cheesy smile on my face.  :D

The sun is out and today is going to be another beautiful day.  I just have this gut feeling that it will be, in and of itself.  And even though I've got a presentation, a major exam for my capstone class , and a paper to edit all for tomorrow I don't really feel swamped by it all.  I actually feel relaxed and not stressed out. 
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