Jul 11, 2005 15:23
"At our cultural level: Woman and children are abused while our entertainments are filled with sexual stimulation that supposedly hurts no one. Racism retreats from national agenda while one in five young black men is in prison. Recreational spending increases while rogue nations with nuclear arms multiply. Care for other nations increasingly becomes an imposition while our own economy flourishes.
At the family level: pursuit of higher income causes parents to decrease their involvement with the children whose lives they are supposedly improving. In hopes of finding financial heaven in a jackpot, our nation now spends more on gambling than on food. In pursuit of our personal freedom divorce, promiscuity, AIDS, and abortion mercilessly entagle the lives of virtually every family.
At a spiritual level: more open attitudes toward enjoying the freedoms of Christian liberties -- fueled by acelerating changes in societal norms and the erosion of family and church authority -- make struggle with compulsive, secret sin more common amoung us each year. These pursuits further stimulate the selfishness and insecurities that impoverish our relationships and lead to greater family and community breakdown."
-- Bryan Chapell -- Holiness By Grace --