Apr 28, 2004 20:10
I just want to thank anyone who prayed for my Grandfathers surgery. It went as well as it could go! He was back to cracking jokes just an hour after surgery. Its just amazing. He should be back home Sunday or Monday.
I went shopping today... that was fun! I got 100 blank cd's for only $13, I was glad to find that steal of a deal. And I bought Avril Lavigne's cd... I was always against her, esp. after I heard one of her songs live... but then I realized I liked her (non-live...) music... and I shouldn't make myself miss out on something I like just because I dont especially care too much for the person themselves... ya know?
Yeah... so i was playing basketball in my backyard tonight, all by myself... and the ball went over to the next door neighbors back yard and there is a big thorn bush thingie on her side and i can't get my ball... so that quickly stopped my b-ballin... bummer... haha.
I'm also thankful that its not as extremely hot as it was the past few days... God is Good to give us breaks :-) I just look forward now to it getting back to really hot so I can appreciate perfect days like these even more.
I just want to Thank God for being so awesome, such a Sovereign, Merciful, Loving, Compationate God. I can't imagine going through life without Him and i'm so glad I dont have to know what its like to not have Him there.