May 30, 2005 09:49
So... I've been kinda sitting back watching this whole fight and I think it's my turn to say something.
(Jaime)and i don't think i'll bother to talk to tracy about this lil dilemma cause she wont care, cause she has her BDFF(zac) and she doesnt need me
-ok to respond to this, you are mad at me. The reason I never asked you about this lil dilemna is because you are mad at me! You have been mad at me since recital so why would I want to talk to someone who is mad at me? and if you have issues with me maybe we should talk them out isn't that wat ur telling melissa to do??
(Jaime)i feel like no one is listening!
yea mel u leave comments in here all the time saying that u are here for me
but the times that i needed u most
u werent there
-You need to tell us u need us we are not mindreaders. We are always here for you I cannot recall a time where I did not want to listen to you. I always ask you if you wanna talk about something and you always say no. So maybe this ones your own little problem.
(Jaime)....i dont feel like i belong with them
cause i want to have deep meaningful conversations
and i can't get that from them
-All friends are different. You get something different from each one. Eric gives you deep meaningful convos but that doesnt mean me and mel arent here for you to. But if we cant fulfill that need and eric can talk to him he's your friend to its all in who you feel confortable venting to and talking to. Me and mel will still be here for you and if you like having a blast with us then we'll be the friends you have to have a blast with. But all of us will always be your friends. using me as an example. I love having fun with you guys but when doi actually sit down and talk about deep meaningful stuff with you i mean a casual this boy makes me sad or im frusturated but i usually talk to zac about the stuff. I like having those convos with zac cuz i feel more comfortable with him but I know u guys are still my friends and r there for me if i need u to.
(jaime)but it pisses me off when people are like forgive and forget
cause its not that easy
yeah i wish it was
but its not
if u dont talk about it
it will come up again
and it will never go away
and it will just stay inside you
and eat away at you
- issues arise but not all have to be talked out. Mel and me both know what happened and we both understood that it was stupid and not a big deal so we forgave eachother. We didn't have to make anything big out of it. But if one of us felt the need to make something big about it and needed to talk about it then we would have but we both decided this issue didnt need to be. now when someone says they need to talk about then we will but other then that we can solve it by forgiving if everyone agrees on that.
Now I know this entry was sort of directed towards jaime but that's because she's the only one I haven't talked to yet (because I have zac watever) So jaime, since we haven't talked about it and i know u like to talk about stuff there are my points if u have anything to say tell me one way or another.
and by the way i feel this issue needs to be talked about.