Mel's B-day partay and the movies

Apr 20, 2005 13:04

So yesterday I woke up and waited for Mel to pick me up. Her and nikki came around 11:30 and then we headed over to the Bacheldors to pick up Sam and Hilary. We went over to Mels barn where the big partay was. We played some volleyball and ate. Me, jenny, and jaime had to leave and get Eric. On the way there Jenny flashed some costruction workers. So we got Eric and headed back to the farm. We played somemore volleyball, twister and octupus when we got back. After that nikki and I swung on the swing and talked.

then we all headed back to Mels to watch Napoleon Dynamite cuz Nikki had never seen it. After the movie we headed over to the movie theater to see Sahara. Sarah went in to get Sean who was waiting in the theater. He came out and me and jaime decided we wanted to go get his cowboy hat but he wouldnt trust her with the keys or me. But we convinced him and he gave me the keys. We actually got into the car without the alarm going off that was great and we even locked it and put the alarm back on after go me!after that we all went in and sat down together. Jaime never sits by me so I feel like im on the end. The movie was so boring Jaime and I kind of had a conversation most of the time and me and Sean made fun of it. Like half way through the movie me and jaime got up and went to the bathroom and snuck into the Amityville horror I wanna see it so bad!! After that we headed back to sahara.

After the movie me, sean, jaime, sarah, mel, sam, eric, hillary, Tyler and jenny went to Friendlys everyone piled in the van and me and sean followed with his car. We had some pretty interesting convos. Comparing muscles haha and then his dads muscles and of course the florida road haha. So we got to friendlys and sat down we kinda divided our table into groups i think my group was better. We had some deep convos when sam was in the bathroom haha and sam gave mel a card it was cute. Then me and eric we get in fights and we were both at different ends of the table.

Yup so after that sam, mel, hillary, and sarah left and sean, jaime, and me went to go pick jaimes car up we left eric, tyler and jenny haha. After that me and sean waited for jaime, eric, jenny, and tyler to get to wal-mart. so we took a ride and ate some ice cream and talked then went to wal mart. Tyler and jenny lied to us saying eric and jaime were in the bike section and then when they arrived they were locked out of wal mart and the wal mart ppl were yelling at them to use the other door that was pretty funny. after that jaime and eric got there and we played some hide and go seek. Jaime was just to good we couldnt hide from her. me and jaime had a fashion contest with wal mart stuff i so won! after wal mart we all decided to go home well the boys did. I had a talk with sean to straighten some things out that wasnt to good. Tyler and jaime were making fun of us haha. so ya i said bye and then me, jiame, and jenny headed to jefferson to stay the night at jennys house.

Jaime let jenny drive and then she let me drive. It was so scary i was holding the wheel so hard that my hands hurt really bad after. Then jenny drove. On our little road trip we saw a huge field with cones like everywhere so we decided to pull over and steal some. There was just so many cones that I felt overwhelmed and couldnt do it haha. Jenny said she heard a man scream hey when they got out so i was like trying to scream for jaime to come back to the car but it was hard cuz i didnt want the man to hear me. Haha yup that was scary so we went to jennys hung out, went to sleep, and now im home.

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