Fandom #24: Highlander

May 01, 2008 02:18

Okay, so, Highlander was actually one of my first fandoms, for no great reason. I haven't even watched more than a few episodes... and I'd never heard of it before I started reading! Clearly, a mystery. Or maybe Ciceqi seduced me, as she is so good at, into the fandom. Call it 2000. The gloss wore off after a few years.
I have very few recs left. Time erodes all things. But trust me, it was my Big Name Fandom for a while there. Mostly slash fic, often explicit.

~Obviously, Ciceqi is the main source for all my fic needs. The link's in the Author recs. Seriously, her Highlander page has tons of fic, all very IC and interesting. This is someone who's thought about the implications of immortality. Lots of slash, often explicit, and a few crossovers.
~ Try out Holly, at She wrote some gen, some slash, and some Ritchie-centric stuff.
~ Check out Rhiannon's Eyrie:

~ Try the Methos Boxer Brigade Archives, at Obviously, these are Methos fans - although I saw them call themselves ROG-fans (for "really old guy").

~ Brought to Heel, by JiM & Piper. Read it at An AU, in which Methos meets Duncan a *lot* earlier. In the best of bodice-ripper, pirating style!
~ Quite a bit of what I read are crossovers; they might turn up in other rec lists. X-Files comes to mind.

highlander, fandom

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