The first year of college, my friends and I watched all the episodes within a few weeks. I was hooked, and ended up buying my own set. Since then ('03), my fandom interest slowly dropped, and plummeted after I saw the movie. I still re-read old stuff, and there's one or two WIPs that I keep up with, but otherwise we're quits. So, don't come looking for more up-to-date recs, since I just haven't been looking.
The recs will be mostly slash, with some gen and implied het. Varying levels of explicitness.
~ About Firefly: Can't Take The Sky From Me, at
~ Archive: Try Firefly's Glow, at Pretty much any pairings, or gen.
~ Author: Check out Sffan's stuff, at Mostly slash.
~ Author: Try The Tenth Muse (her site is password protected now), at Mostly slash.
~ Browncoat, Green Eyes, by nonjon. Read it at Gen, but het implied; crossover with Harry Potter - but don't let that turn you off. Harry wakes up in the distant future, and wonders what happened to wizardry. Eventually, he ends up working on Serenity, and the crew leads him towards the answer, getting caught up in the quest themselves. A good use of both canons; a very slight change to HP canon that only affects the epilogue of the 7th book - and personally, I wish Harry had ended up like the fic suggests rather than how Rowling wrote his future. Finished.
~ Children of the Cobb, by WastelandRose. Read it at Gen, het implied. WIP. Jayne Cobb made ten laps around the Verse's whorehouses; now the kids've come to visit. A serious take on what could happen to the children of prostitutes in Firefly-verse; a bit too much het (did everyone on Serenity really have to reproduce?) but most of the pairings and kids are great.
~ Indistinguishable from Magic, by Kieyra. Read it at Gen, River-centric. Finished. A "fix-it" fic. River finds some secret Alliance experiments, and uses one to change the past.
~ Like Describing the Alphabet, by Mosca. Read it at Slash, J/M, with background het K/S (UST) and W/Z, and femslash I/K. Finished. Jayne and Mal go together better than they, and the others, might think. And anyway, talking about love is like describing the alphabet. :D This one's a keeper. Jayne & Mal centric, but full ensemble.
~ Read Merc Talk Magazine: For All Your Mercenary Needs, Issue 278, at Gen and implied slash, humor. Finished. A magazine that keeps mercs up on shops, news, classifieds, obituaries and personals.