~Works by
A.J. Hall; usually gen. Includes The Four Paw Problem (a talking cat gets John's protection), Breakfast at 221B (asexual Sherlock talks about Mycroft's sex life), and a crossover (Sherlock and John are after Torchwood).
~Works by
Flawedamythyst; usually some type of Sherlock/John. Includes It's All Fine (Sherlock comes out as asexual) Horse and Carriage (Asexual Sherlock wants to marry John), and Like Flawed Wallpaper (Sherlock and John both realize due to Harry's wedding that they want it to be Sherlock/John).
~Works by
Elapsedspiral, usually gen. I particularly like
Baskerville (a retelling of that story) and
Aptronyms, in which John and Sherlock are just two guys with the bad luck to be named after the ACD characters and who constantly run into mysterious coincidences.
~Works by
Etothepii; usually Sherlock/John. Includes It Feels Like Home When I'm With You (a ghost!John story), and a crossover with Pullman's His Dark Materials series (Sherlock is actually Mycroft's daemon; John's is a husky; setting is fusion but emphasis on BBC).
While I'm on the subject of crossovers with His Dark Materials, here's three more in addition to Etothepii's:
Playing Human and sequels by snake-easing. Sherlock&Mycroft/John. Sherlock is Mycroft's daemon, John's is a wolfdog, and Jim Moriarty is Molly's daemon; setting is entirely BBC.
The Republic of Heaven by blind-author. Slowly Sherlock/John. Sherlock's daemon is a polecat, John's is a wolfdog; setting is an even fusion. Active WIP.
Theory and Practice by anonymous. Sherlock/John. Sherlock's daemon is a heron, John's is a ratel/honey badger; setting is fusion but emphasis on BBC.
~See White Collar entry for another crossover series.
Quick Like A Bunny by innie_darling. A crossover with Queer Eye For The Straight Guy - the five guys have been hired by Mrs. Hudson to redo the flat and its inhabitants.
Holiday-Themed Stories:
Winter's Delights, by kate-lear. Sherlock/John. Sherlock brings John to the extended-family Christmas party... somehow they all think John is Sherlock's boyfriend.
My True Love Sent to Me, by Waffles. Sherlock/John. Epistolary fic (texts, actually) about Sherlock's ridiculous decision to treat The Twelve Days of Christmas song as a how-to guide.
The Christmas Box, by Carene. Gen. In contrast, John does a pretty good job finding a gift for Sherlock.
Other Stories:
Gen or Pre-slash
A Brief Account of Life with Zombies, by Silverpard. Sherlock's cast does the zombie apocalypse.
The Goodge Street Gambit and the Controversial Non-Holmesian Principle, by definewisdom. Sherlock is the victim of John and Lestrade's game of Mornington Crescent.
Apotheosis, by 10leaguesbeyond. Instead of Sherlock spending three years away, John does as he hunts for Moriarty.
Shadows on the Wall, by AraSigyrn. John became psychic in Afghanistan, and now he tries to prevent disasters from happening without letting on.
A City on the Head of a Pin, by 10leaguesbeyond. John sees wings on some people after the events of The Great Game.
John's Midnight Garden, by anon. John Watson dreams of a garden his whole life. Turns out it belongs to someone he knows.
How to Accidentally Summon a Demon, by patster223. Somehow, the title happens, and nobody notices any change in possessed!Sherlock.
Molly of the Dead, by cutebutpsycho99. A zombie fic, with Molly and Sally carrying the day.
Selfish, Selfless, by sakurazuka-jae. Harry and their parents were a bad family to John - and Mycroft knows it.
Family Affairs, by S0mmerspr0ssen. Kid!fic; an orphaned John is fostered to the Holmes family in hopes of his being a companion to their youngest son.
Boston Marriage, by pendrearc. A re-do of the series with female versions of John and Sherlock.
Housekeeping, by Carolyn_claire. Mrs. Hudson takes care of the Moriarty situation in a final way.
The Troubles of Marriage Counseling, by starjenni. Infiltrating a couples' retreat ends up helping John and Sherlock figure out what they want.
The Paradox Series, by Wordstrings. A twisted but plausible romance for a sociopath and a stress-seeking soldier/doctor.
Lab Book, by sam storyteller. Deduction turns out to be contagious.
A Mile in His Shoes, by Mamfidd. A pendant switches John and Sherlock's bodies right after a serious disagreement. Awkward attempts to hide the change as well as reconcile and admit their feelings ensue.
A Very Cold Case, by Bilis. A puzzle in Russia leads the two to the realization that their relationship isn't just platonic.
The Engagement, by thedeadparrot. AU, in which there are many royal families in the British Isles, and the Watsons have contracted an alliance with the Holmeses to the surprise of the two sons selected for the marriage.
The Plan, by blind-author. John wants some gay sex since women don't seem to be working at this time, and asks Sherlock whether any men they meet are interested. Sherlock eventually proposes himself.
Other Pairings
Ain't Seen the Sunshine, by Emungere. John/Lestrade. The AU where John is the new nanny for the Holmes children.
Mycroft Doesn't Do One-Night Stands, by anon. Mycroft/John. A somewhat bumpy, angsty and OOC start to the relationship.
Dirty Little Secret, by velvet-mace. Mycroft/John. Mycroft admits to John that they are married, since the Moriarty affair.
A Little Social Game, by velvet-mace. Mycroft/John/Sherlock. John comes home to a surprise!threesome, and the reasons for it are even odder.
~The Lorem Ipsum series, by Saathi1013. Sherlock/John/Sarah. Somehow it works better with all three together. In order after
Surveilled, the fics are
Problems and Solutions, Or...;
Bohemian Like You;
City Sirens, Violins;
The Trick Is To Keep Breathing;
Grace To The Strong;
Lorem Ipsum; and the coda
One Day Like This.
Second Verse, Same as the First, by tyleet27. Sherlock/John, Holmes/Watson, Watson/Morstan. Comparing and contrasting the trajectories of relationships a century apart.
Mrs. Hudson's Uneventful Week, by aslipperysloth. Mrs. Hudson/Sherlock, suggested future John/Sherlock. Humorous take on what exactly Mrs. Hudson fills her time with.
The Art of Scheduling, by igrab. Mycroft/"Anthea". A powerful man misses how his assistant runs around him... until she schedules in sex.
Artifice, by Saathi1013. Molly/"Anthea". How two women bond over sharing intel on Sherlock Holmes.
As for recommendations sites, there's Freemountin's
Delicious recs, Caffienekitty's
weekly recs, and the SherlockBBC community's
Sunday Recs. Check out the community
asexy_sherlock as well.