Glutton for progress

May 02, 2006 01:20

So I finally got my headcast done the other day with the most awesome help of Dan and Jacquline aka Assassins Inc. Jen was very happy to have the help, as it was a pretty burly process.
I've got a bunch of pics of it here. Unfortunately the batteries on the camera died right after they put the alginate on my face, so I don't have any pics of the rest of the process, but it was interesting to say the least.
This is me covered in goo.

This is what I ended up with.

and this is what I'm doing with it.

Still in progress, I've only put about 3 hours into the sculpt so far, but I'm liking how it's shaping up. I need to make the nose bigger and I'm going to make the grin a bit less cheezy. I'll be sure to post pics when it's done. :)
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