switch the language: Skidan and Kurtov in [Translit] in translation

May 13, 2015 13:37

With this post we are continue new section (with the tag that will allow you to easily find its posts), in which we will publish foreign-language materials devoted to [Translit]. On the one hand, a lot of such materials have started appearing, on the other hand, they haven't been systematized on the blog at all but have just come through here and there as a one-off aberration.
We have never limited ourselves to a Russian-language audience, striving not only to translate Russian ad bring it into correspondence with other languages but also to serve as an apparatus for the transmission and re-coding of messages in foreign languages, in other words, a mechanism for the systematic defamiliarization of our own language in both the linguistic and poetic sense. The time has come to extend the metaphor of defamiliarizing translation ("translit") into the regular practice of publishing in foreign languages.
Here we will put poems and articles by the authors of [Translit] that have been translated and published in foreign languages (which will also allow us to study the infrastructure of foreign-language resources devoted to experimental literature), interviews from newspapers and journals of a wider profile, and also announcements and reports on [Translit] events that take place abroad. If you would like to limit your reading to the materials in this section, you can subscribe to the RSS-feed with the tag "switch the language.
These are the next articles from [Translit] in translation issue which were published on academia.edu



in translation, switch the language, Скидан, Куртов

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