The loop-holes of life as a pathetic college student.

Mar 25, 2005 17:28

I'm pretty pissed off at UNH today. I'm trying to switch majors, and since I'm at a university, every college operates ndependently. This means that to switch, I have to apply to the Business school since I'm in the Life Science one. Normally, its no big deal....unless your me.

The business school will allow non-business school majors to take courses up to the 600th level. But, I am at the 600 level courses, and ideally should have applied to get into the school in January, but I missed the deadline. I worries, they have to allow you to apply again before the fall semester. NOPE. They make you apply weeks INTO the fall semester after you've already chosen your classes. So now when I go to sign up for fall classes....I cant get in because they dont allow non-business majors....which sucks....which could mean another year at UNH (as in 5th year).

So, I find all this out (and im obviously pissed). The secretary was rather nice, but a woman poked her head out of a door into the lobby-thing and told me in the rudest voice "well, you should have applied earlier, shouldn't you." I went back to my room, chatted with Travis, who told me to go talk to an advisor named "Pam". So I go back to try and make the appointment, and I can't, "because she doesnt meet with non-business majors"....ever. I have the option to "write her an email" but apparently "she gets like 1,000 emails a day, and probably won't respond." Which is completely retarded. The secretary told me that I should meet with my own adviser, but (no offense to my current advisor, shes really nice) how the fuck is she supposed to advise me in the area of all?

Its all bullshit. I want to transfer. Next stop....Dean's office....

I'm less that thrilled.
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