Aug 01, 2004 14:04
i'm going to make a rant about The Village.
the movie was shit. it wasn't even all. the showed the "monsters" like..3 times, if was false advertisement and totally stupid. the acting was terrible, and their were big name people in it..people who are normally good actors and actresses in other movies. what were they thinking when they read the script and agreed to the movie? it was totally retarded. it was poorly it was trying to be all deep and meaningful and just sounded retarded, and not only that..the story was fucking retarded and unrealistic! i mean, i don't know if i should give away what the movie was REALLY about..but i mean..their "scam" against the people in the town, there is no way they could pull that off.. M. NIGHT SHAMAGAY should be put in jail for making another movie..WORSE THAN SIGNS. do yourself a favour and see Garden State or Napoleon Dynamite and see how a movie should be..because The ShitVillage was totally suck ass. i'm not the only one who thought that, the theater was packed like no empty seats and as i was leaving i was like "damn, that was the gayest movie ever" and like 15 people said "you can say that again". i wanted to leave durring the movie so bad but i felt in order to be able to make fun of how gay it was i had to at least sit through the whole thing and now i feel as if i've caught stupid for doing so.
do yourself a favour and don't see it..false advertisement is wrong. the movie isn't about what you think it's about, and when you find out what it's about you will shit your pants and say "did someone actually make a movie about this?" and then shit your pants for paying $8 to see that horrible excuse for a movie.