Jul 21, 2004 12:45
I just finished reading The Catcher In The Rye. This summer Ive been trying to read some old classics, in part because my highschool sucked and I didnt have to read the rest of the books that everyone else seems to have read (not that I would have gotten anything out of it if I had to read it for school) and also because Im trying to get back into the habit of reading since I used to love it so much. So far Ive read The Secret Life of Bees, Brave New World, Bridget Jones's Diary and of course as I mentioned before The Catcher in the Rye. After every book I finish I find myself thinking in the same manner as the main character/narrator. For example, after I read Bridget Jones I would think in lists, and I would find myself thinking in sentences like "must lose 15 lbs" and "am fabulous goddess". I dunno maybe Im just nuts.
Catcher was a really good book. It might even be my new favorite. Maybe I am insane but Holden's way of thinking is also a lot like mine (and some of my friends too). He is so cynical and he hates the way people are. It's hard to explain, I guess. He just hates how we all get swept up in routine, and how everyone is phony and just tries to be like everyone else. I dont know if everyone feels like they have a lot in common with him when they are done reading it or I am just going crazy or what. It's probably a good thing I didnt read it 3 months ago when I was feeling so down. I could really relate to it though. Anyways I think I need to go now because Im just rambling.