
Some more wild releases caught!

Aug 20, 2008 22:12

After getting very few journal entries from my wild releases for the first half of the year, I've now turned some sort of corner and am getting quite a few entries! Hurrah!

The First 48. Only the second book of the Books By The Numbers release challenge I've released so far to be caught! Out of over 30 books... "amazing idea."

Pride & Prejudice was one of my World Youth Day releases, and found by someone not here for WYD. But it might still be travelling overseas! "thank you to the person who left this book in my path."

Third-Class Ticket was found on the same bus I left it on (only heading back out of the city by that stage): "The book was found on a 423 bus to Kingsgrove by my husband who thought it was lost. He was determined to restore it to its owner!"

The Street Lawyer, John Grisham got found by AnonymousFinder mere hours after its release.

The House of Sixty Fathers found another reader! "It's the first time I heard about traveling books, and like the whole idea." Best travelled book of any of my wild releases so far, it's up to three new readers all within about a month!

Undead and Unwed, MaryJanice Davidson. I finally realised I was never going to bother with the rest in the series, so I bookmooched this and Undead and Unappreciated and they got snaffled within 24 hours. This one got an AnonymousFinder entry, "I plan to read it then give it to my daughter who lives on the Gold Coast. She has a brain injury and loves light romances/humour/fantasy." I just wish I had more books to send on!

bookcrossing, wild catch

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