The purpose of this post is to address issues with the TQC_anon mods. Utilize this post to ask us questions, offer suggestions, air grievances, etc. If there is anything you want or need to talk to us about, you can do it here.
If it's a more urgent issue it's better to either PM us through the livejournal messaging system, IM us on AIM, or email us using our livejournal email addresses "".
This post is now linked from the profile and above the tags list for easy access.
In order to protect your privacy, comments/questions will not be unscreened when they are replied to. We will unscreen comments that are helpful or general queries about the running of the community, etc. That being said, if you do want your question unscreened, please let us know when you make your comment.
This is not the anon questions queue post, please refer to the link on the sidebar of
tqc_anon's layout/
this post.