anon question #1161

Apr 15, 2010 19:00

Do you have any questions you'd like to ask in TQC but are too embarrassed/whatever to?
Post them here and someone will kindly ask in TQC for you.

Do you just have some questions you'd like to ask here anonymously?
Go for it.

please post to the anon and regular queues!

[tribute_mutant], question post, anon questions

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g0omba April 16 2010, 00:34:28 UTC
if you're in school what are you taking next semester?

how many times a day do you go to the bathroom?

favorite hangover food?


brkfastatholly April 16 2010, 00:37:58 UTC
Intro to Ethics, Intro to Religious Inquiry, Jewish Scripture/Old Testament, Daoism & Confucianism, Atheism/Theism/Secularism

um, maybe 2 or 3.


chardonnay April 16 2010, 00:40:31 UTC

depends. usually around 5



vinolent April 16 2010, 00:40:38 UTC
biology, geology, physics, calculus :(:(:(:(
a lot


g0omba April 16 2010, 00:41:31 UTC
oh man so many tough courses! what level calc? I hate calc. and what kinda bio class?


vinolent April 16 2010, 00:43:22 UTC
just the intro level calc i think. it's called "Calculus for Scientists I". and cellular biology
i'm scared :(


sentimentation April 16 2010, 00:44:03 UTC
Intro to ethics, mathematical methods in linguistics, first aid & community CPR, intermediate Spanish, Plato. I might also take discourse & pragmatics or "dangerous writers and writers in danger" and I plan on auditing "The Future as History"

idk like 4

I have only had a hangover once and I think I just didn't eat for most of the day and then had some toast or something.


plain_mornings April 16 2010, 01:08:21 UTC
microsoft office professional, cataloguing II (ughhh kill me now) and youth services and issues

idk at least 6.

breakfast food, coke


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