
Nov 02, 2009 13:00

What relationship problems are you having now? If you don't have an SO, they can be with friends coworkers, classmates, family or anyone else I forgot. Tell TQC Anon and get advice.

advice post, [qa], relationship post

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g0omba November 2 2009, 22:28:53 UTC
i posted about this the other day... he's really a nice guy and i know he cares about me, but there's stuff that bugs me. on halloween he got really drunk and was talking about how one time he danced with the "hottest fucking chick ever", and then walked away from me at a big party where i knew no one and left me alone in the kitchen carrying his beers. he used to sleep around a lot and be kind of an asshole and it has always bugged me, idk why i can't ever get over it. but he's told me "you're not the hottest person i've been with" and i am so insecure it really upsets me and it has made everything suck because i don't feel good enough and everything ugh long comment


ships_sail November 2 2009, 22:29:41 UTC
That's so fucked up :(


g0omba November 2 2009, 22:32:13 UTC
I really don't know what to do, like the him sleeping around has always bothered me but "past is past" but I guess I've never been with someone who was like that and I don't trust him, especially when he makes comments like that... I mean everything else is okay with us and we have fun but it's really hard feeling good enough. Especially w/ sex, he hasn't been "as in the mood" with me and like, just a year ago he was so horny he had to fuck drunk sluts? blehhh


ships_sail November 2 2009, 22:35:56 UTC
I don't know... I mean, I don't think I could be with someone who didn't think I was really hot, you know? And it's not like you're NOT hot, so I don't know why he's trying to make you feel bad. It sounds like he's trying to make you feel like you're lucky to be with him, which is ridiculous.


g0omba November 2 2009, 22:42:11 UTC
idk it never has seemed that way to me, and i know he thinks i'm attractive but just not "hot", which of course is like "so I'm not sexy? what?"

i mean i used to think he was way out of my league bc all my previous SOs were less attractive and he knew that,, so i really don;t know if he's just stupid and doesn't think or if he's trying to make me upset. i wish i could give him a taste of his own medicine


ships_sail November 2 2009, 22:59:42 UTC
Does he know it makes you feel bad?


g0omba November 2 2009, 23:01:22 UTC
yes, i've told him a bunch of times how i feel about everything and we talk and i know he feels bad about it and doesn't want to hurt me. maybe he's just really dumb. -_- i never wait to tell him either i always tell him when it happens so idk.


anchellada November 2 2009, 22:30:59 UTC
i dont think i could handle that :/
have you ever said anything about it to him?


g0omba November 2 2009, 22:33:39 UTC
only recently has it been a real problem, i don't think i'm more insecure now than i used to be. i've talked to him and he's sorry but that stuff like, he can't say it's not true because obviously it is, and him being sorry doesn't make it bother me less. :/


chardonnay November 2 2009, 22:31:38 UTC

Sorry if that seemed insensitive but seriously he does not deserve you


g0omba November 2 2009, 22:45:19 UTC
no it's ok, that's what a lot of my friends have said. Thank you though, I have to try and feel better about myself haha


awfulbliss November 2 2009, 22:41:50 UTC
That's not a nice guy. He sounds like a scumbag.


g0omba November 2 2009, 22:56:14 UTC
sounds like a winnah

no, but there isn't enough context to give you an adequate assessment of this guy. just use your brain.


g0omba November 2 2009, 23:00:15 UTC
yeah i know, i'm trying. we've been together just a big under a year so idk why all the sudden he started saying stupid stuff. thanks though.


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