Jan 27, 2005 21:40
So, today my Aunt Evelyn sent me a package that was apparently supposed to be my birthday present. It contained about 5 horribley tacky, plastic-jewel-encrusted watches. None of them show the correct time and at least two of them don't have a working battery. So I can mix it up a bit with what watch I wear now, which yes, means no more loud ticking during tests.
Steve Burns, the guy from Blue's Clues, makes some super-awesome music. Download "I Wanna Be Your Alpha Male" if you can.
I'll be mailing my first letter of the new year tomorrow, as per my resolution to write letters to randomly selected people. This letter goes out to Jason Mraz. The front [of the envelope] contains a note reading "Happy what-ever-the-next-holiday-is and thank you to the postman! (and a heart)," the back contains a small drawing of a viking [apparently, this is my trademark now].
I want--more than I have ever not wanted to go to school before in my entire life, I think--to not go tomorrow. I don't know why so much tomorrow...possibley because I'll have all of one of my real teachers tomorrow. Barnett's working on wedding stuff, McLean's doing some swim-y thing, Major I think just exploded. So...I get Puett. And then I'll probably just knit through my other classes. Goddam. Yay?
I don't know how the formatting shows up on people's flists, but when I go to my journalsite, it totally disregards where I have used the enter key. Hearts to my enter key, sorry puppy.
Meanwhile, I need to upload some icons that suck less on here.
Vote: [I don't have polling rights, no paid account, so if you want to respond...comment]
Do I keep this icon as my default, or are you guys sick of looking at my meditate-y dude?