Huh. Looks like Laurell K. Hamilton is slotted to be at Dragon*Con this year.
I'm not sure if I want to be excited about that? I DO like Anita Blake, don't get me wrong, but really wound up hating where LKH went with the storyline and Anita's character.
In other news, I seem to have worked through the YCon site issues, at least the ones that were making the content get skewed into oblivion. I also know that I won't likely ever use DIV-based tabular elements ever again, given their issues with cross-browser compatibility. This has been nightmarish.
Things have been so hectic both at work and at home that I'm further behind that I expected on getting the site live. Thank God for
summerqueen, who's been user-testing and plugging in content like a crazy-person (only not as...crazily? ^.~).
saya415's already gotten me all the Registration info (Bless you, Korean, BLESS YOU!), I just haven't had the time to actually get it online. I need more time in the day!
Ehlana's Trials and Tribulations with the contacts are ongoing. She missed her bus yesterday because it took her an HOUR to get them in. But it took her less than 40 minutes this morning, which is promising. Getting out has been a snap for her. Less precision involved in that, I think?
Oh, and I keep totally forgetting this, but it looks like I'm heading to MegaCon in Orlando the weekend of March 7th with
phantomminuet and our group of friends. It's going to be a MUCH needed vacation, since I will have finally wrapped up a big event I'm coordinating for work the weekend before. So if anyone's planning to go to MegaCon, maybe we can hook up? Author Tanya Huff's supposed to be there, along with Dylan Neal (Mike Celluci) and Kyle Schmid (Henry Fitzroy) from the television adaptation of her Blood vampire series, Blood Ties.
Oh, and Gil Gerard (Buck Rogers) and Erin Gray (Col. Wilma Deering) from Buck Rogers are supposed to be there, too! I can fangirl again! (maybe I'll be more awake and coherent than I was at Dragon*Con?)