NSFW Man Pics and Some Fun Glee Stuff

Jun 12, 2014 02:14

Wow, it has been a really long time since I have been on here to post! I suck. Sorry! Mostly my desktop lost internet access for a long while, and my laptop has serious power issues and is acting like a bitch (it shuts itself off all the damn time), and it was no fun using my nook to try and type posts. So, I got out of the habit - my bad. I still pop on and read posts from all you peeps when I can though. Uh, when I'm not being super distracted by Glee fanfic or The Crowned Heart posts.

Life is good. Still love my job, it's summer so kind of slow lately (vacay!) but things will pick up soon. No significant other, nothing new on that front. All the interest is people I am not interested in - boo! Family is doing well, one cousin just got married last weekend and two more are planning weddings for next year. I am happy for them all :) Also, super determined to lose some weight and find the perfect outfits before then ;)

I have been artistic in my away time, lots of random stuff - writing, drawing, cross-stitch, and making posters/wallpapers and stuff for my computer. I figured I'd share some of the recent pretty.

Abs, Ass, and Hot Couples

And since I am SO TOTALLY OBSESSED with Puck from Glee have some of him too.

hotties, puck, pic, movies/tv/anime, glee, life, my art

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