25 Things Meme

Sep 22, 2010 11:16

Rules: you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself.

1. I LOVE my new job. Being a math tutor rocks. Now, if only it were full time with benefits...

2. I really, really like math. Really.

3. I hate to have to pick favorites of things, I almost never have just one fave.

4. My new puppy is adorable! I luvs her so much *smishes her* but she's an early bird, up every day by 7am. That is evil.

5. I've been planning to get a new tattoo for ages. I will one day get off my duff and actually do so. It's even mostly designed already.

6. I would totally die without internet access and my computer. This is the reason why I could never go back in time and live. I am a daughter of the modern age.

7. I check for new messages in my email, lj, fb, deviantart, etc. at least once every day, often more times than that.

8. I've just learned to cross stitch and find I love it. I've been creating presents for people :)

9. Drunk people are stupid and I don't like them.

10. I drink alcohol for the yummy taste and a slight buzz, not to get drunk and be stupid; thus beer, wine, champagne, etc., are all yucky drinks I abhor. Mudslides, on the other hand, are de-lish.

11. I LOVE my PS3 and my parents who got it for me for x-mas.

12. I am going to steal my mom's new mini-laptop one day. I am.

13. Chocolate proves that God loves us.

14. I spend entirely too much money at Starbucks. But, damn, if those caramel frappaccinos aren't worth every penny.

15. I procrastinate. Bad. That's why this note/meme that I've had since 6/29/10 is just now getting done. And while I'm doing this, I'm putting off completing a different project. Such is life.

16. I have brilliant ideas for stories, but find actually writing them to be difficult. Unless it's all dialog: I rock the convo hard.

17. I beta/edit read for other people. It's fun. But I sometimes suck at deadlines. *hangs head at fail*

18. I LOVE the Magnificent Seven. The TV show was great, the characters were awesome, the fanfic rocks my world, and the other fans keep me in the fandom. They are all pretty awesome and have become cool online friends :)

19. I have committed to write a story of at least 15,000 words for a Magnificent Seven BigBang Ficathon. The story will be longer than that for sure, but will I make the deadline? That is the question.

20. I have also committed to creating art for two other stories in the M7Bang. I will make those deadlines even if it kills me. Which it may, as I am a perfectionist when it comes to work for others. *le sigh*

21. I forget I have myspace, neopets, and gaia accounts, thus my pets die and messages pile up. But I never quit/delete the accounts. I like them when I remember they exist!

22. I love to draw/paint (especially eyes and fantasy people). I have a tablet I got for one x-mas that I use to draw/paint on the computer too. Traditional or Computer Graphics, art is awesome.

23. I am the team leader for an m7land community that participates in challenges. My team won the first cattle drive (round 1). We so kicked arse. Woo-hoo!

24. I live with my grandparents on a ranch out in the country. On a dirt road. I never wash my car. I'm sure it hates me.

25. I HAVE to play a video game to the end and do/collect every single thing possible, even if that means I have to play it multiple times. If there are accomplishments/trophies, then I must collect them all. I'm anal like that. This means I'm on my third play through of Dragon Age: Origins and have at least one more to go. This is why my games-to-be-played pile is growing ever larger and my games-beaten pile is not.

good news, meme/survey/test, life

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