I have to say for the most part I agree with these results. I think my quiz was skewed a bit as I hadn't seen any of the 8 movies choices listed and had to leave those 2 questions blank, that had to have had an impact somehow. But yeah, I like dark sarcastic humor, some spontaneous slap-stick like stuff is funny some just sucks, but I'm not as into vulgar humor as this makes it seem. I like some funny sex jokes just like the next girl, but a lot are way too much for me, and I usually hate stupid humor like jackass and most adam sandler stuff.
Your result for The 3 Variable Funny Test...
the Comic
(48% dark, 38% spontaneous, 42% vulgar)
your humor style:
Yours is the most versatile and also the most popular kind of humor. You'll crack a joke about just about anything, but you're not
mean-spirited or intimidating, so you can get away with it--even when, for example, you bust on Mexicans.
You appreciate a good dirty joke as much as next person, but, over all, you've got a brainier approach to humor than most. Now just go out there and write up a routine; it's likely you'd be good at it.
PEOPLE LIKE YOU: Dave Chappelle - Rodney Dangerfield
The 3-Variable Funny Test! - it rules -
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