Here are the things I think of...(yeah I'm boring).

Sep 05, 2006 19:03

1. What did Galen say about his enemies?
pegasus2966I have no Surviving enemies
2. When Delenn went to Garibaldi's quarters, what did she do?
pegasus2966     Watched Looney Toons cartoons and ate popcorn with Garibaldi.
3. What does Durrena say about the Excalibur when Gideon takes her aboard in "War zone"?
pegasus2966 It'll do.
4. When Kosh is out of his suit, how do humans see him?
llembas As an Angel

1. What two colleges did Tim McGee go to?
eliabrith Johns Hopkins and MIT
2. Gibbs has been blown up, shot and made his team crazy(ask Stan), but who used the 9 iron and the baseball bat on him?
eliabrith Ex-Wives #2 & 3
3. Kate has a sister in Fl. and a cousin in VA, how many brothers does she have?
eliabrith (I gave this to you anyway, but Kate has 3 brothers, not 4)
4. Ari went into NCIS HQ for what reason?
eliabrith To retreive the evidence and body
5. How did Tony get the job at NCIS (according to him)?
eliabrith He smiled
6. What is the largest tat on Abby's back?
eliabrith cross
7. What college did Ducky and Ari both attend?
eliabrith Edinburgh Medical College

1. What was Frohike's first comment about Scully?
seramercury "She's hot."
2. Who ripped the $20.00 bills in EBE?
seramercury Byers
3. What did Byers do for a living before joining the LG? FCC
4. Who throw up into the golf bag?
llembas Langly
5. Who got along with the Chimp in "Planet of Frohike"?
llembas  Jimmy
6. What is Mulder's apt number?
seramercury 42

1. What is Angel's birth given name?
2. What is Buffy's middle name?
seramercury Anne
3. What does Xander do every Christmas?
eliabrith Watches Snoopy Christmas AND....
4. What did Vamp Willow call Angel?
seramercury Puppy
5. Besides Sunnydale, what other US town has a hellmouth on it?
seramercury Cleveland, Ohio
6. What is Angel's favorite song?
pegasus2966 Mandy by Barry Manilow
7.Who was the first lawyer Angel meet from Wolfram and Hart?
eliabrith Lindsey McDonald
8.Who bugged the Hyperion Hotel? Gavin Park of Wolfram & Hart
9.Who made Jayne's orange hat?
seramercury His mom
llembas Gets double coupon points for knowing the whole letter.


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