Scene: Navaho Bridge - Arizona
Date: July 28, 2004
Camera: Cannon EOS Digital Rebel
Photo Editors: Adobe Photoshop/ Paint Shop Pro
On the drive into Grand Canyon from Page, Arizona is the National Landmark, Navajo Bridge. Next to it is the brick castle-like structure which is part of the Navajo Native Tribe.
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Scene: Glen Canyon/ Dam - Arizona
Date: July 28, 2004
Camera: Cannon EOS Digital Rebel
Photo Editors: Adobe Photoshop/ Paint Shop Pro
Editing tools used: Auto contrast, resize.
Most of Glen Canyon is located in Utah. Glen Canyon Dam, however is located on the upper Colorado river in Marble Canyon, near Lake Powell, near the town of Page, Arizona.
Statistics Although not as impressive as the Hoover Dam, Glen Canyon Dam holds its own ground.