Awesome People

Aug 03, 2005 21:14

So I have gotten to know some really really awesome and unique people over my life time. But some people stand out more then others, these are the people who i think are absolutly amazing, people who i don't think i could ever meet another person like them again, someone who's personality could make a perfect movie character, here are those people. (in no particular order)

Maxx Henry: Ok, first off just look how this kid dresses, he salvation army shirts, the hole filled pants, those stupid trucker hats, the fucking ear rings. But there are tones of kids like that around. Why i think Maxx is so awesome is because he can take so much. That kid get shit on all the time, I make fun of that kid constinly about everything, so does nick, so does Andy. And Maxx just takes it....sorta, after a little bit the smallest thing will just make him blow up and flip out, but it isn't an angry flip out, it is more funny then anything and he never really means it. Example: "You all are a bunch of gay homosexuals!" (click) Thats Maxx screaming then hanging up the phone when no one would pick him up. And it is things like that that make me think...Wow, Maxx you rule.

Willie Roy: Probably one of the funniest kids I have ever meet. But it is a different kind of humor, it is so witty, he is always on his toes. I am blow away by some of the things that he says. And the thing is he is so intelegent too. I can remember just hanging out with that kid and laughing about some crazy scenario that could never happen, but he would also has some amazing things to say. I have heard some of the most enlighting things from Willie. I really think that he has a clear view on life and where he should be heading. There was this one time that me and him had to drive to Mass to interview Jeremia Freed and on the way up there we were listening to the Postal Service, he started telling about how they got together and the meaning behind their songs and i was just in awe. He can chill with the stoners and mingle with eggheads.

Ian MacMun: This kid rocks. I don't know anyone who said they didnt' like Ian. This kid just aims to please, he really is just about enjoying life to its fullest and having the best time he can all the time. How awesome is that? I like how he embraces everyone, he will let you know that he is having a good time with you and is enjoying your company. Not enough people do that. He is another person with amazing wit, at times it can be intimadating how quick his is, but it is always in good fun. There was this time at Maxx's house where we were all sitting outside around a fire and Ian was ON (which is always is)cracking everyone up and making everyone feel good.

Wil Sideman: Everyone knows that the Hippy look is cool. Its earthy, chill, and just looks sweet. That being said, alot of people do this look because they know that it is a cool style and they want to be cool. WIL IS NOT ONE OF THESE PEOPLE. Wil is one of the only people who not only wears this style, but wears it well. He isn't trying to be cool, he isn't trying to fit in with his friends, he is just being Wil. You can't say that Wil is a hippy because he isn't trying to be a hippy, he is just being himself. No matter what the situtation Wil is Wil, there has never been a time when i was somewhere with him and thought " he is putting on a front right now" because he is always the same cool person no matter if we are at a party, skating, or just chillin at his house. I admire that.

Emily Page: Holy fucking COOL. This girl is incredibly funny. WOW talk about jokes, good ones too, for anyone. Not afraid to make fun of herself either. Does not take herself serioulsy, i have seen her make some pretty bizzar faces and do some just...weird things. But that stuff makes me have a mad respect for her because not enough people (especially ladies)are confident in themselves enough to do stuff like that and she does no problem. Our junior year at Leavitt she asked me and Ian Pawquett to come help her make a movie. Durning this point of my life I had talked to her a total of maybe 15 times. When we knocked on the door she threw it open and greeted us with the parted fingers live long and prosper thing, hair in her face, oversized shirt, sweat pants, and a swastika on her head. (she was charles manson in the was for history class) What other girl do you know that would do that?

Andrew Moreau: Duh, how could anyone have a list of awesome people and not have Andy Moreau on it? What can i say about this kid that hasn't already been said? Most people would say Andy is a special person because he is outragious, he likes to push the limits. See what he can get away with. Because he is soo funny and wild. But there is something about Andy that really sticks out in my mind. And that is lunch time. Me and Andy have had at least 1 lunch together every year, and yet i didn't get to see him much. That is because he was aways at a different table, but most of the time it wasn't the jock table or the table with all the pretty girls, it was the table with only 1 kid sitting at it, or the table in the corner with all the goth people. Andy really strived wheather he knew it or not to make people feel good about themselves. If you ever have to try a conversation with Andy while walking down the hall, its impossible everyone and i mean EVERYONE is stopping to talk to that kid. And he never shuts them down or walks by, he makes time for everyone.

There are more people but i am too tired to do that now. Next post i will finish. And to everyone who is reading this, please don't get offended if you are not on this list, it doesn't mean you aren't cool or special and it doesn't mean i don't like you. But i think that everyone can agree with me that the people i listed about are truly, truly one of a kind
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