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History: There's a Frenchman's blood running thick through him - both parents were born and raised in the south of France, along the Mediterranean. It wasn't until they'd been wed that they made the move to America, in part because of his father's job and, mostly, to provide a proper upbringing for their newly arrived son - Julien himself.
There were never any familial issues while growing up - his family was happy and healthy, there was never any want for money, never any troubles or discord beyond the normal household quarrels. After Julien had come two other children - Renatta, his only sister and their younger brother, George, who'd taken to mud and rough play like Julien himself had taken to books and learning.
Somehow his parents even mangaged not to choose sides. None of the children were favoured over the others, though as they all grew older their different callings made themselves clearly and definitely known - Jules with his learning, George with anything on wheels and Renatta with any kind of dance she could be taught. All three children were raised in both french and english and so when a dance school in Paris offered Renatta a position based on a spectacular application, the family saw no problem with moving back to France for her - except for Julien. He was already so involved in his schooling, settled, perfectly poised to go anywhere in the world he wanted with his level of intelligence that they couldn't bring themselves to uproot him from his established colleagues. Instead, they went with what they considered their best option: a family friend that had grown up knowing all of the children and, especially, was someone that could handle Julien's particular brand of needs - scholarly or not.
It wasn't difficult, once the family had left, for Julien to be lured away. Anything offered to him that could present another new, interesting twist to how life could possibly be explained. It was with little regard that he let himself be pulled away and, as time passed, even less of a concern as he lets himself forget that there was ever anything except where he's wound up.
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