Life, it put it mildly, has been very sweet. I have a full plate of projects, work continues to be an enjoyment (even among the things i don't enjoy that come with it), and socially it's like MFF is still happening. My stress has been low in most respects and even on downing days something has happened to pick it right back up to make me smile and
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I rarely try my hand at planning things but then i do, I aim more biggish these days. I've had enough experience watching them fall apart or not getting enough backing with an array of possibilities that fall into the mix. Most plans are very on the fly (weekout) unless there is a large denomination involved.
For school, there currently is no plan for school. Originally I was "planning" on looking into school in the company wasn't going to sign me on by Feb/March. But if things are panning out as they appear to be, I'd be pressed and feel I'd cheated the company leaving so soon after just being signed on.
The longer view is I have a lot of debt for someone who doesn't have a credit card. Past school, car, govt unemp stuff, bills.... there's a list and I know minimally how much I need to at least pay for these things. And that's not including food and expenses of fun. Somewhere, I just feel, there isn't a loan out there large enough that would support that. And school part time of work part time is crazy.
I also know I goofed off enough in college the last time and don't feel I'd do a better job a second time around.
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