The glass labyrinth

Mar 26, 2007 16:10

Everything is a little quieter, a little distant.

It's like the world is a clear and bright labyrinth, narrow winding paths between glittering walls made of shards of broken glass. I move very softly and carefully through everything, feeling my way through very gently in order not to cut myself, making as little noise as I can so as not to bring it all down on top of me. Moving with detachment, with the world slowed down as it enters my head, so as never to startle. Never to react too quickly or too strongly.

I know this will pass within a few days. I know it's related to the end-of-contract crash, and other factors too. I know that within a few days the glass shards will begin to melt against each other and form clear, smooth walls, and that those walls will slowly dissolve away leaving nothing but a sparkle of sunlight to suggest they were ever there.

But for now, I'm very fragile, and detached, hanging suspended inside myself as I float by. I'm not going to be terribly much good at being sociable for a few days until I restrengthen.

inside my head

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