Jan 14, 2010 12:25
It doesn't happen often, but world, look out. My competitiveness has been provoked.
I'm not generally that prone to bouts of getting competitive. People do their thing, I do mine, and most of the time I'm not on the same scales as people for whatever reason so making comparisons is meaningless. If it's maths or science, well I'm much better at understanding those than most who don't want to have a clue, and if it's sport, well I didn't learn to catch a ball until I was sixteen so I'm a long way behind there. But this, this has provoked me. And it's happened in the intersection of three arenas I have been claiming as mine for a long time - the sphere of subtle public influence, the sphere of science communication, and the sphere of environment and nature care / protection.
And, it's the one from the Stream who's done it. My beloved W drew to my attention yesterday that a certain chain of events that had most certainly affected much of the debate surrounding Copenhagen if not the accord/lack thereof itself, had been triggered by the actions of a team headed by the one from the Stream. Now, I didn't try to have any influence where Copenhagen was concerned. I've been a bit busy and with my head down here, and it's not where I'd expect to get useable results of the kind I like anyway. And it's quite possible that his influence was as much coincidence as planning. But that suddenly doesn't matter when *he* affected the outcome and I didn't. I feel that, all unknowingly, he has issued me a challenge. And I intend to take it.
There is some food for thought there as to which direction I want to go. Some of his achievements are actually ones I agree with, even if they irritate me in the short term. And what to do that would equal this in effect, and have effects that are all the kind I desire, is a tricky question. Then there's the need to think four steps ahead, as I only tend to be a two-step thinker normally (and play chess badly as a result) but any case where I am crossing wits with Stream I've found that two only keeps me on the page, not in the same league. So it will be, in some definitions, fun.
Look out, world, and look out, Stream. I take your thrown gauntlet, and I raise it.
inside my head