Art Dump

Oct 17, 2010 00:35

Basic 3D is basic

Sexy inanimate objects modeled in Maya. Eat your heart out Avatar!

This is supposed to be a wooden toy boat, hence the simple shapes. I'm still a ways off from modeling Thunderblast in her alt mode. ;)

Animations (keep clicking them till they move)

Warning: Devil Cow may cause seizures. (no I wasn't on drugs when I made this =P)

Happy Little music notes.

Yay for squash and stretch. ^_^

FanArt: (the hunter gets around)

Sneak peak into future Cybertronian Nights's mushy mush. *warm fuzzies* ^_^

WIP. Finally started digi-inking this flirty little piece inspired by tf_ic_prompts. I'm not sure what Lockdown is saying but he seems a few tactless words away from a rearranging of his tattoos.

And finally, the bounty hunter turned Rock Band player. *epic facepalm* XD

Yeah, bedtime is now.

fan art, homework, sexy hunter, cybertronian nights, art school

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