
Sep 06, 2004 12:57

so nothing interesting's been happening so this journal's going to be mostly for dreams, and my deep thoughts so here's one of each!
Deep thought: So I was mowing the lawn and I was thinking about the phrase "respect your elders" This brought me to think of my grandmother in Colorado. She was raised in the south and I wouldn't say she's racist I would say that she believes the steryotypes of certain races and cultures that she was tought as a child. Our generation is tought to question things we are told, instead of just believing everything our parents tell us...just a thought.

Dream: So this is pretty freaky....I don't remember what I was dreaming about but I remember it was like there were these two men watching me on a television maybe? One of them said," now watch him hit his head" and low and behold I slammed my head into the night table next to my bed ( that part was not a dream) so either I was concious of where I was in the room...or something from the great beyond 'caused it too happen...SCARY!
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