child obesity

Nov 05, 2011 10:31

  When I was younger, after a school day, before the books hit the table I was out the door to play in the woods. Snow sled ride, drive go-carts. Climb tree's, swing from vines, ride bicycle, motorcycle, roller-skates, skate-board, climb on rocks, play with sticks & rope & box's. Don't be a sissy, shake it off. It was not that far a fall. It is only a scratch. Play baseball, football, soccer, ski. Build campfires, go camping. Play on the frozen ponds. Play in the creeks, climb in ravines. Follow the railroad tracks in the valley. Catch frogs in the swamp. Make tree-houses and forts in the brush. Lounge in the grapevines in the tree tops. Use knife, ax, saw, hammer......

Now days they assign lots of school home-work.
Don't let kids play on saw-saws, swings, spinning tabletops, jungle-gyms, no running ( they might fall and get hurt)
No running races ( you'll make the fat kids cry when they see they are so slow)
No making anyone cry.

The children obesity problem today is from;
Overly-protective society, parents.  ( they might get hurt doing that) ( getting hurt will raise insurance rates)
Parents who don't like doing laundry.  ( they will get dirty or ruin their clothes)
Some mothers encourage / cause some sissyism.
To much school homework, no time to play outside.

taxes, global climate change, health, tax

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