Mothers Against Selling Soda in Schools

Oct 27, 2011 06:17

  Teenagers would answer an anonymous school survey with 100% accurate information,    sure.

  The survey was paid for by the group, Mothers Against Selling Soda in Schools.

I think the leader is named Rachel.
She keeps calling, asking if we have any interest. She says she can lower your interest.
You need to be a card holder to have interest.
If you are interested you can call 1-818-201-6758

Older people and young babies awake early in the morning.
Teenagers awake midday and stay up half the night.
This evolutionarily came about so teenagers and old people don't interact much and drive each other crazy.

Mothers evolve into crazy, schizophrenic, schizoid, control freaks to push the youngsters out of the nest.
Otherwise they would not get out of the house and go make babies of their own.
All part of the evolutionary process.

drive by wire, vehicle stability control, taxes, government spending, tax

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