Feb 15, 2005 16:56

Wow..its been a while! you know how it goes...

1st- WOW..this whole thing with Shannon has been bothering me! I know he is ok... but still! it's scary and I love that kid! I miss him too and his family! I am so thankful he is ok!...I feel really bad I didn't go see him in the hospital tho! I should have gone!..but either way..I love him and his family and am praying for him cause I know he's sad because of it all and the fact that he lost two of the things that mean so much to him..his truck and his 4wheeler..but hey..he has his life!!!

....well...on the other, momohead, spotts, brooke, banas, ben, mark, and josh all went and saw Boogeyman Friday...that was fun!! It was a scary movie tho!!! n manda and mark were clinging on to one another!...hehe... then Saturday I had to go take the stupid ACT...ugh!!! we'll stop there with that one...then I slept all church and then I went and decorated JoeJoe's room for V-Day! aww...I put balloons everywhere and I made 139(I think more oopps) little hearts that I say I love you//that’s how many days we've been together as of Feb. 14th! Is that too far? hehe...I made him a bulletinboard with all of our pics on it too awww....cute...and i got him kissing hippo stuffed animals...and a Joe and Whitney box for all the notes i write him and stuff!...and some other lil things...

Um then he came over with 3 CUTE balloons and 3 GORGEOUS flowers and a card and my fav candy! awww.... what a sweetie! Then on V-Day... he came over b4 school and gave me another balloon and the V-DAY Barbie and candy and a pink SOFT puppy stuffed animal and a cute lil' picture frame thingy that matches my room! um then...we went to Mac. Grill! Of course we finally got to eat after an hour(or so)! ughhh.... but before we left to go.. I gave Joe a bouquet of butterfingers rather than flowers (he is a guy!)..but I made flowers out of hearts to put in the bouquet so he'd get the was actually turned out better than I thought! And I made him a card thingy that had "my heart" (construction paper hearts glued together)// and said here’s my heart wrapped up..yadayada..please don’t break it!..cheezy but it was cute!...I was proud! haha!!

but I love that was the least I could do!...just wanted him to know how much he means cause I know that I don't show him often! fact, most of the time I'm VERY mean to him! ...I dunno why! I'm stupid! I am the moodiest person ever! and JoeJoe...I am so sorry! You are amazing and PERFECT and more than I deserve! thanks for putting up with me and for loving me! you are....more than words can say!

Enuff about that nerd!! hehe...

Well... a lot has come recently about like what we are gonna do senior week, senior trip...yadayada...and wow ya' more high school EVER again! thank goodness it's about time...and thank more drama...but I'm sad too!! Aww...there's been so much drama lately and it sux cause just think we only have 4 months left...why..what's the point of drama!?! besides to make your life miserable, hard, and to be hurtful! main thing right now is my friendship with Casey Jones... I MISS YOU GIRL!! I miss the Fab 4+1 I dont care what has happened...or what so and so thinks anymore..they aren't me and I cant help the way I feel! sux what has happened we were hurt but it's hurting worse holding so many grudges!....IM OVER IT!...and all my friends who are sux! cause even tho it's "between ya'll"'s not...cause I'm friends with both of you and it sux cause I feel torn!...just like everyone else I think!...I guess I just gotta put up with that tho cause it's not my place to fix it..but... I'm so sick of all this GIRL drama! ... why!!!!!!!!!! it's doin nothing but hurting peoples, tearing friendships apart, and making life miserable! SO I AM OFFICIALLY OUT OF IT ALL..I DONT HATE ANYONE..IM NOT MAD AT NAYONE..I HAVE NO OPINIONS ABOUT ANYONE AND WHAT THEY HAVE AND HAVENT DONE...I ONLY HAVE 4 MONTHS WITH YOU GUYS FOR THE MOST PART...I WANT TO HAVE FUN!!!

I know I haven't shut up yet I guess it's just sumthin really bothering me! and I had to get it off my chest ...that and the way I've been treating Joe...I don't want to be mad at Casey ANYMORE...and I don’t want to mean to Joe ANYMORE! I'm sorry to you guys..and everyone else!...I love you all!!! SO MUCH!!...and Joe...I AM REALLY REALLY REALLY SORRY...


Whitney Girl 
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