Twins, woo!
Kris and I all ready for the Royal Masquearde Ball. I have to say, the ball was somewhat terrible and definitely not worth the $10 I paid to get in. They taught us how to salsa, and then didn't even play any salsa music! Of course you could barely hear the music as it was, so if they had played salsa music it wouldn't have mattered. We did get to see Caitlin Glass in her Haruhi cosplay though, and dance with the above twins.
So mysterious!
Practicing our panel last minute on Friday night ^^:
More good panel times
Down in the karaoke room :3 We sang the pokemon theme song, it was good times.
No one can resist the sexiness that is the Tamaki plushie! (On a sidenote, there were no Mori plushies in the dealers room. I was severely dissapointed :[)
Sleepy people in our hotel room.
The Ouran PJ Party on Saturday morning. Caitlin gave everyone roses :3 You can see her in the background there.
An awesome Belzelnef cosplayer!
Setting up for our panel. I think it actually went pretty well, people seemed to be entertained. We had a two hour panel, the first where we talked about the show and then played some Ouran catch phrase, and the second hour Caitlin Glass and Patrick Seitz came and answered some questions. It was good times.
Us with Caitlin after the panel. She said she wants to put this picture up on her blog on Funimation's web site =D
Me and Caitlin ^^
Me and Patrick! We are so scary with our Belzelnefs!
Tamaki is very afraid!!
Our Saturday afternoon nap ^^;
Mori is a very scary vampire!
Boredom while waiting for the cosplay contest led to us taking many green room pictures, lol.
Mori likes Hunny's bunny ...
Oh my, what's going on here?
Nekozawa is scary!
Tamaki needs to stop cultivating mushrooms in other people's green rooms...
It's Renge!!
Lina! Yay!
Sailor Moon and Chibi Moon! So cute!
We won "Best Novice Presentation"! Our first award ever! ^.^ We were so excited, I couldn't believe that we actually won something!
Me and Kris with the trophy! Yay!
All ready for the dance!
Most awesome band ever! They played at the rave and were sweet!
Kind of messed up picture of above band when they were actually playing.
Intense rave times.
Kris and I were Ed and Al on Sunday. This was my first time wearing my new Ed wig, I'm pretty pleased with how it came out :3
Al is making very angry obscene gestures, and I'm making one very weird face. This is the result you get when you try and take pictures of us when we aren't posed yet ^^;;
Some intense alchemy going on here!
Ed and Al shoes!
Waiting for Potter Puppet Pals
Potter Puppet Pals, woo! This was so awesome! =3
Ed giving Al a piggyback ride.
Ed spinning around as fast as he could while Al was on his back... I have a feeling Al wasn't pleased with this.
Roy is such a pimp
Who are you calling a shrimp?!
MILK flavor?!?!?! Ewww!
nom nom nom
Give that back, I'm still hungry!
Something strange on Caitlin's butt.... >.>
Y yes, I do liek mudkips!