Jun 25, 2009 02:16
I've gotten to like Pandora a lot. Its nice to be able to get access to all sorts of music. I really need to read up on its recommendation engine... it makes odd leaps of logic at times.
Work is kicking my arse, we have a deadline that management is desperate to hit, we're on track yet they are still.... reactive to the situation.
Little One is getting bigger every day, she's getting better at talking. And she's learned the joys of temper tantrums. Which while in public we'll try and calm her down quickly, in private its almost humorous to watch. She was throwing one the other day while Cindy was away, I watched her kick and scream in her room, then when I was sure she was going to be ok i walked over to the kitchen and started working on dinner. She becomes quiet for a minute, then I catch her walking around looking for me. Once she sees me she walks into our beroom and then proceeds to lay down on the floor and start to cry again... she briefly stops and wiggles herself to get into a more comfortable position.
And even more fun I'm now taking 3 separate meds that you must 'take with food' And they are not kidding when they say that... you have a small window of delay, but after that your day goes to shit literally.
Ed McMahon passed away, alas we are now getting to be that age where all our childhood heroes are starting to pass away. Makes me kinda sad. I think that I'm going to become one of those old people who fondly remembers the 'olden' days. Then again I'd love to find a good site for all the classic radio plays, Jack Benny, The Bickersons, Fibber McGee & Molly. Someday if time travel is possible, I'm going to be heading back then with a good recorder and listen to all the good shows.
I said it was random, now where did Rochester go?
And remember LSMFT!