Oct 24, 2003 20:25
First and foremost:
GO MARLINS!!! *WoOp WOop*.. Yankees SucK! ( "Yank this one" )
everybody said that the game was UH-MAY-ZINGGGGG :)
ok.. now: Today was preety cool.. mm i had a pep rally.. which i thought turned out rather CUTiE patOotie so i was excited about that. ummM i also went with T to go shopping for homecoming dresses- but it just led to disappointment.. cause we didnt find anything at all. which sucked. and Im ExHausTeD- but w.e. AnD we are basically 8 days away from HOMECOMING. AhH. YikEs. BroOo- i think im just gonna stick with my first choice, that dress that i got at cache. I dunno tho. AHHH. w.e mannnn.
TomoRrow is my ACT i better do good on that junk. :\
mMmKkaayyy OFf i Go.. I wAnna do SurvEys.. im bOred. so i'll do that while im waiTing for LaRRY the LiOn to CAlLll. ::he BETTER::