Oct 31, 2007 13:01
Hello hello hello.
Well, I've finally got a job here! Which is good then, I can stop paying rent with Daddy's credit card. I'm working at a guitar shop, stocking, mostly.
Aren works there. I don't know. I guess it's okay. He doesn't say much to me yet. I don't know how the hell he started working there or that I should change to work there as well. It's ridiculous. But I refuse to leave, I enjoy it there and they are teaching me to play. He shall leave before i do, and he will speak before I do. I'm not going to waste words on that dipshit.
Life's been kind of quiet otherwise.. I practice guitar at home, and Dooly and Ka seem to like it alright. It's a little weird having them listen, but it's all right.
Gah. What a short update.