Basically, Christmas was lots of good food (dur!) and lots of fun! Midnight mass was great as usual. Hung out after with the church people. New years was the party @ Milton's house where people got drunk and high and great company; Step, Samm, Ellie, Krystal. Josh drunk a million shots and Amos was super lulz. It was not bad ^^
Happy 17th birthday Jia!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥ You're a wonderful person and a great friend. Love you alot i'll miss you loads if you go overseas :( Thanks for all the fangirling, twitter chats, Hottest bonding and never ending awesomeness!!!!!!!! Have an awesome day ahead!!!!!!
Sunday had lunch with Church clique @ Cine. They went to Kbox so we stayed there for awhile BTW KBOX TOTALLY SUCKS. And expensive as well. Met Krystal after awhile then headed down to Flea titan with Samm and Krystal in tow. The flea was good ^^ the accessories they were selling were super pretty gahhh.
And Yesterday I went out with Fant4 minus Yangs (Wish she would be more free!!!!!!). Bought my Korean sweet at the Seoul mart (It's bloody addictive I've had 5 boxes in the past 3 days -dies) and Ama got her 2010 diary then ate at the Korean/jap fast food restaurant at cine!! I love the pizza noodles there. Prove: I ate there twice in 2 days. I AM SUCH A PIG. Uniqlo @ 31 was major fun. We dressed up in winter jackets and played around. Miss my girls so much <3