Hi, I saw yr comment on favourite_son that you wanted the new Kerrang with MCR in? I didn't want to post over there in case a shitload of people started asking, but I can send you one if you want? Is it the one that's out today?
oh my gosh!! thank you so much! you are my HERO! and thanks for respecting yours and my privacy. wow.. i'm so excited. and yep, thats it. wow, you are so kind, i can't believe it! =)
e-mail me yr address and I'll post it off to you as soon as I buy it! victoriajane_@hotmail.com Don't worry about paying me back, too hassley! Maybe you could keep yr eye out for a green day article I can't get over here?!
oh my gosh... that is so very kind of you. i will DEFINITELY get you anything you need over here. thanks so much! can i add you by the way? you're so nice. =)
you just tell me what to do and i WILL!! =P
Don't worry about paying me back, too hassley! Maybe you could keep yr eye out for a green day article I can't get over here?!
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