Она утонула? Нет, ее утопили!

Dec 27, 2010 22:08

Вы думаете, это я о подлодке? Нет, я о машине с налоговой докоментацией ЮКОСа. Дял тех, кому лень читать длиннющий пост, опубликованный несколькими часами ранее, выжимка по теме:

Russia was just emerging from the financial crisis of 1998 when oil prices had dropped as low as $10. Despite running transfer pricing schemes for years and squirreling hundreds of millions of dollars away into offshore tax havens, even Khodorkovsky was strapped for cash. His bank Menatep had borrowed $266m from a pool of creditors that included Daiwa Bank, WestMerchant Bank (a subsidiary of Westdeutsche Landesbank) and Standard Bank of South Africa, secured against a 32% stake in Yukos. Khodorkovsky tried to persuade his creditors to a rescheduling over three years, but they called the loan in and took possession of the Yukos stake. However, after Khodorkovsky threatened to issue millions of shares and Yukos began to sell off its major assets to offshore shell companies, the creditors took fright and settled, taking a haircut in the process, according to "The Quality of Freedom", a book by Richard Sakwa, professor of Russian and European Politics at the University of Kent. "Yukos was selling prime assets to offshore companies (presumably linked to the Yukos management) and it appeared to be in danger of becoming little more than a shell company," he wrote.

There was a brief flash of hope in the summer of 1999 when the knight-errant of minority shareholders and chairman of the then-Federal Securities Commission, Dmitry Vasilyev, took up Dart's cause. However, when the FSC started to investigate, a truck carrying 607 boxes of company documents accidentally drove off a bridge and sunk to the bottom of the Dubna river in May 1999. Vasilyev went as far as suspending all trading in shares of Yukos' main subsidiaries - Samaraneftegaz, Tomskneft and Yuganskneftegaz - in June that year.

Когда летом 1999 года финансовые власти начали расследовать деятельность ЮКОС-а (с подачи миноритария Кеннета Дарта, имевшего в компании акций на 100 миллионов долларов и внезапно обедневшего минимум на две трети, то грузовик, перевозивший 607 коробок с финансовыми документами ЮКОСа, внезапно вылетел с моста через реку Дубну и утонул вместе со всем содержимым.
Случайность? наверное...
Точно так же, как "совершенно случайно" упал и сгорел новенький вертолет с Кертисом, тем самым Кертисом, который помогал Ходор выстраивать его "схемы проводки" начиная с 1993 года:

in early 2004 Curtis reportedly got nervous about the Yukos frauds and decided to provide information to the National Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS), which collects information about organized crime in Britain. In March 2004, on his way to meet an MI6 British intelligence agent, Curtis’s new Agusta 109E helicopter crashed, killing him.

Комментарии, я думаю, излишни...

Да, талантливый был комсомолец.....

МБХ, МЕНАТЕП, ЮКОС, налоги, Ходор

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