Длинная прелюдия - за что извините. Но мысли верные все! Можете расценивать это как вариации на темы гипотезы Сапира-Уорфа (которую я однажды применил в дискуссии с средней руки представителем "Опус Деи", с весьма любопытными последствиями), можете просто с удовольствием прочитать. И даже попросить у меня подборку книг Theodore Dalrymple. О котором ещё напишу.
Pinker’s grammatical latitudinarianism,has the practical effect of encouraging those born in the lower reaches of society to remain there, to enclose them in the mental world of their particular milieu. Of course, this is perfectly all right if you also believe that all stations in life are equally good and desirable and that there is nothing to be said for articulate reflection upon human existence. In other words, grammatical latitudinarianism is the natural ideological ally of moral and cultural relativism.
It so happens that I observed the importance of mastering standard, schoolmarmly grammatical speech in my own family. My father, born two years after his older brother, had the opportunity, denied his older brother for reasons of poverty, to continue his education. Accordingly, my father learned to speak and write standard English, and I never heard him utter a single word that betrayed his origins. He could discourse philosophically without difficulty; I sometimes wished he had been a little less fluent.
My uncle, by contrast, remained trapped in the language of the slums. He was a highly intelligent man and what is more a very good one: he was one of those rare men, much less common than their opposite, from whom goodness radiated almost as a physical quality. No one ever met him without sensing his goodness of heart, his generosity of spirit.
But he was deeply inarticulate. His thoughts were too complex for the words and the syntax available to him. All through my childhood and beyond, I saw him struggle, like a man wrestling with an invisible boa constrictor, to express his far from foolish thoughts-thoughts of a complexity that my father expressed effortlessly. The frustration was evident on his face, though he never blamed anyone else for it.
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