Найджел Фараж о Путине, или "не тронь медведя"

Jun 28, 2016 09:01

Все детали этого наваристого интервью можно найти здесь (12 минут прекрасного английского), но я вам вырежу кусочек в виде текста. И даже кое-что переведу.
"...не тыкай в русского медведя палкой. Ибо если ты это сделаешь. то, гарантированно, получишь в ответ".

Farage said, [relevant remarks begin around 8:30] “Vladimir Putin behaved in a more statesmanlike manner than President Obama did in this referendum campaign. Obama came to Britain, and I think, behaved disgracefully, telling us we’d be at the back of the queue…treating us, America’s strongest, oldest ally, in this most extraordinary way. Vladimir Putin maintained his silence throughout the whole campaign. I’m not a fan of Vladimir Putin. But you know, the Ukrainian crisis actually was sparked by the European Union saying they wanted to extend their borders to take in the Ukraine, which Putin took as being a direct threat. Now, my view on Putin and the Russians is, don’t poke the Russian bear with a stick. If you do, you’re bound to get a response.”

Россия, ЕС, реакция Запада, хихи, Англия

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