Feb 15, 2008 01:16
I would consider myself decently obsessed with facebook. I need to check it often, and I find it bizzare when I get back to my room and haven't received any messages/wall posts/notifications. As I was looking back at pictures tonight, mere snapshots of times in my life where I was a very different person than the one I am right now, I felt a pang of sadness there beneath the surface. I am captured in a picture with a close acquaintance [hope this isn't an oxymoron] of mine from high school. I know that, even if I go write on her wall about how much I miss her and she replies with a statement about how we should hang out the next time we're both home, we may never see each other again. I absolutely love my friends from high school that have remained close to me. I'm not sure what I would do without my 732 crew, but when I think about the way social networks bring us together, I am also saddened by what it does to the people I was only acquaintances with. Sometimes, I look at their pictures of a life I've never/will never know. And I know that we're making empty promises to one another when we say we'll see each other over break, because I'm always too busy with work or keeping up with the small commitments. I don't know if this type of nostalgia for certain people would occur had it not been for social networking websites such as facebook. To be honest, I would probably never think about John Smith writing on Jane Doe's Wall. Or Mystery Maggee updating his mood on Top Friends. Facebook sort of causes me to view these people's names and recall certain past memories....
It's always weird for me to look back on previous parts of my life and think about where I was. I know there's really not much of a point in doing so, as I am who I am because of my past and I should instead focus on the present and the future, but sometimes, it's hard not to look back for a bit. I don't know. I can see people's arguments with me on this subject already, but I'm just simply saying I sometimes think of this. Not that I dwell on it.
I saw Step Up 2:The Streets tonight. I'm probably going to enroll in an intro hip hop class with my two friends. yep. :) cuz we...got it like that.
♥ melissa