Jan 15, 2008 10:04
My dad just left. I thought I was more than ready for him to be out of my room so I could have a little space to myself. But then he was gone. and I was alone. Completely alone. Without the little inkling that I could somehow sneak into the car and go back to New Jersey. My heart is in New Jersey with six wonderful people. My life. This alone is a lot different than alones in the past. I know I'm not going to cut myself. I don't have that urge or anything. But I AM feeling things again. So I'm feeling sad and anxious and scared all at once. I might start reading Twilight just to get back into a world that isn't this one. I don't know. Maybe I should start reading my astronomy book instead. Heh. Back to the grind for another semester... here it goes.
Disclaimer: I'm sorry that this entry was whiney mcbitch bitch. i just miss home.
<3 melissa