Haven't...done this in a while.......

Mar 15, 2004 13:37

k! look! look i got myself a new webcam and i took zilly fotos of myself!

What were you really expeting naked pictures of me? Pervert.

Okay I guess its time to update my livejournal, of course I should be updating other things.
Actually for the past week my life has been mostly centered around my computer/s, Now I was supposed to go to my new job on the Weekend but it seems they rather I start on Monday, that means today.
So I spent most of the week laying around doing fuck all, I did go visit Nick a few times, we had a few laughs and so on, fun fucker he is.
Anyway, now to list the four people I’ve talked the most to in the last fifteen days.

Emma - Log file size is 410Kbs and 6/10 times in a conversation I’ve sent more messages it seems then she has.
Grendies - At 154kb worth of messages he comes in second, 9/10 messages he has asked me to do something about the Mod News Update, 9/10 replies I’ve come up with a reason why I can’t.
Zero - 75kb worth of Messages, I do not know how this happened, I’m pretty sure it has something to do with me just not replying and letting him talk to himself, silly twat.
Kushan - only 63kb worth of text, this scares me a bit since usually by fifteen days we should have gathered up at least 200kb worth.

Now what else have I done?
Forum hopped - Mostly Forumplanet forums and a few random ones.
Played shitloads of MUD - I gained at least eight more levels and maxed out a few of my spells.
Listened to lots of music - well I noticed on an average day of my life, I only listen to about four hours worth of music, lately its been going to ten hours worth of music playing a day.
Considered buying a webcam - well that is out the window since they are useless in my opinion “*giggle giggle snort* Look! LOOK AT ME!!! *snort* I have teh webcam ^.^;; chibi-kawaii-bullshit-Sammeh” Point Made.
Watched movies - Yet again I’ve dug in to my huge collection of war movies, dammit I think I’m turning in to that gamer who run in to a games store in full war paints and such just to buy BF: V.
Bought myself a Soviet Tokarev TT - The less said about this, the better <<…
Considered buying a pick up truck with ‘Pussy Wagon’ written on the end board - decided against that too, but it was so cool in Kill Bill.
Explained to Li what S&M meant - Now the fact that she asked ME about it made me giggle.

Downloaded: EoD and DC 0.7.
Played: DC, EoD.

So anyway, I haven’t done Fuck all this week, and I’ll be going off at like 1:00Am or some such, maybe I’ll have enough money to buy like … Food.

Oh and Emma said I was acting like a clone of Chase, now I will have to remind people that I’m older then him, thus he must be a clone of Me, unless he went back in time and cloned himself there…
Fuck it.
Oh and I cut myself a few times while shaving, I’m really wondering if its worth it…
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